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The Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm) is an undergraduate academic degree in the field of pharmacy education in India. Here are the key aspects of the B.Pharm course
Duration:Typically, the B.Pharm course is four years long, divided into eight semesters.
Mode of program: Choice based credit system
Regulatory body: Pharmacy Council of India is the controlling authority of the Indian Pharmacy education. PCI is a legal body ruled by the provisions of the Pharmacy Act 1948 along with AICTE as apex body
Eligibility: Candidates must have passed the 10+2 examination (or equivalent examination of any other Board or University) with Physics, Chemistry, Maths (PCM) or Physics, Chemistry, Biology (PCB) or Physics, Chemistry, Maths & Biology as subjects. They should have obtained a minimum of 40% marks in aggregate in these subjects.
(Minimum eligibility should be based on the aggregate of P.C.M. or P.C.B.) or P.C.M.B., P.C. and Computer Sciences, P.C. and Electronics.
The candidates who have taken P.C.M.B. combination, the aggregate of P.C.M Or P.C.B., whichever is higher, shall be considered for the purpose of admission.
The candidates who have passed the D.Pharm course from an institution approved by the Pharmacy Council of India (PCI) are also eligible to pursue the BPharm. D.Pharm holders are typically eligible for lateral entry into the second year (3rd semester) of the B.Pharm course, reducing the duration of the B.Pharm program from four years to three years for these candidates.
For candidates belonging to the reserved categories (SC/ST/Category-I/OBC), a minimum of 35% marks in aggregate is required.
The curriculum includes a blend of theoretical and practical subjects related to pharmacy, such as Pharmaceutics, Pharmacology, Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Analysis, and Pharmacognosy.
Study of formulation of drugs into dosage forms.
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Involves the chemistry of drug molecules.
Focuses on the effects of drugs on biological systems.
Study of medicinal drugs derived from plants and other natural sources.
Pharmaceutical Analysis
Techniques and methods for analyzing drugs
Laboratory Work
Includes practical experiments in various subjects.
The Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm) program spans a period of four years, structured into eight semesters. Each semester is designed to provide a balanced blend of theoretical knowledge, practical skills, and research exposure.
Industrial Training:
After passing Fourth Year B.Pharm Examination the student shall undergo compulsory industrial training of not less than 150 Hours over a period of one month at any Pharmaceutical Industry.
Three sessional examinations shall be conducted during the academic year by the college. The average marks of best two examinations, separately for theory and practical shall be computed for the declaration of Results.
The candidates are normally expected to attend all allotted work period (both theory and practicals) in each of the prescribed subject. They should attend 80% of the total number of classes conducted in each of the subject to be eligible to appear for the university examination in that subject
Credit Assignment
Theory and Laboratory Courses
Courses are broadly classified as Theory and Practical. Theory courses consist of lecture (L) and/or tutorial (T) hours, while Practical (P) courses consist of hours spent in the laboratory. Credits (C) for a course depend on the number of hours of instruction per week and are calculated using a multiplier of one (1) for lecture and tutorial hours, and a multiplier of half (1/2) for practical (laboratory) hours.
For example, a theory course with three lectures and one tutorial per week throughout the semester carries a credit of 4. Similarly, a practical course with four laboratory hours per week throughout the semester carries a credit of 2
Career Prospects
Pharmacy is a vital healthcare profession that bridges the gap between the medical sciences ….
Minimum credit requirements
Lateral entry students shall have 52 credit points transferred from their D.Pharm program. Such students shall take additional remedial courses in ‘Communication Skills’ (Theory and Practical) and ‘Computer Applications in Pharmacy’ (Theory and Practical), equivalent to 3 and 4 credit points respectively, totaling 7 credit points, to attain 59 credit points, the maximum for the I and II semesters
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